Strive July 2023 Updates πŸš€οΏΌ

9 min read

Dear Strivers,

It’s that time again for our monthly update, where we bring you all the exciting updates and enhancements of this month. Before you proceed, we would like to inform that we have made some changes which includes us removing our Tagging sub-module and Goal sub-module permanently in order to enhance and focus on delivering a more streamlined experience.

Now without further ado, let’s dive right into the updates and enhancements we’ve prepared for you this month.




1. πŸ€– Chatbot smart replies πŸ’¬

Exciting news! We’ve added a new chatbot type called Smart Replies to our module. With this integration powered by ChatGPT, your chatbot can now provide intelligent responses on your behalf.
Simply set the duration for the chatbot to pause after a human intervention and system prompt. If your contact sends a message and you haven’t replied within the specified time, the chatbot will step in with helpful answers based on the system prompt that you have provided. πŸ’¬πŸ’‘
chatbot smart replies.png

2. πŸ€– Chatbot no reply condition added limitation to prevent exceed of wait for reply session time ⏳

This prevents any exceeding of the wait for reply duration limit. If the entered value exceeds the wait for reply session time, an error prompt will appear. πŸ’¬
chatbot wait for time cannot exceed the wait for reply session.png

3. πŸ”— Pabbly and Zapier able to send WA Personal messageβœ‰οΈ

We’ve introduced a new feature in Pabbly and Zapier that allows you to send WA Personal messages seamlessly. Simply provide the necessary information and compose your message, and it will be sent to your contacts as per your configured steps. πŸ’¬βœ¨
pabbly send wa personal message.png
zapier send wa personal message.png

4. πŸ“±WA Personal Broadcast and Campaign exclude recipients to be unique πŸ”Ž

Now, if a contact is listed both as a recipient and an excluded recipient, they will not receive the WA Personal message. This helps to maintain the accuracy and precision of your message delivery to the targeted recipients. 🎯
wa personal exclude as unique.png

5.πŸš€ Automation now has segmentation for the list of trigger and action ✨

In our Automation module, we’ve organized the triggers and actions into segments, making it easier to find what you need. Now you can navigate through the list effortlessly and streamline your workflow. βœ¨πŸ’‘
automation segmentation.png

6. ⏰ Last Contacted Time/Date in Converse Module πŸ’¬

In our Converse module, we’ve added a new feature that displays the last time or date you had a conversation with your contact. If the conversation occurred on the same day, the last contacted time will be shown. For conversations from the previous day or earlier, the last contacted date will be displayed. πŸ“†
converse last contacted date or time.png

7. πŸ”„ Create Nested Chatbots for a Continuous Flow in Chatbot Module πŸ€–

Take your chatbot interactions to the next level by creating nested chatbots! With this feature, you can build chatbots within chatbots, enhancing the continuity flow of your chatbots. Once you save the nested chatbot, it will appear as separate chatbots in the list of chatbots.πŸ’¬
chatbot continuity flow.png

8. πŸ’Œ Sending Edited Email Campaigns to Pending Contacts πŸ‘₯

When you edit and save an email campaign before all the messages have been sent, the updated message will be sent to the contacts who haven’t received it yet. πŸ“§

9. πŸ—‘οΈ Deleting a product will remove it from linked product purchases in deals ✏️

Deleting a product in the product module will automatically remove the linked purchase from the associated deal. 🧹
delete product will delete linked in deal.png

10. πŸ“± WA Personal Setup auto contact creation control πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

Take charge of auto contact creation in the WA Personal Setup module. With this feature enabled, any contact messaging your WA Personal number but isn’t in Strive will be automatically added as a new contact using their display name and phone number. Feel free to toggle this setting on or off according to your needs and preferences. πŸ”§
wa personal setup auto contact creation.png

11. πŸ—£οΈ Converse now caters for reply to messages πŸ“±

Experience the power of interactive conversations with our Converse feature! Now, you can effortlessly reply to messages and keep track of your contact’s replies. Stay connected and engaged by viewing the messages they’ve replied to. πŸ“©
converse reply to.png

12. πŸ“’ Strive Go Converse now caters for reply to πŸ’¬

Exciting news! πŸŽ‰ Now, you and your contacts can reply to each other’s messages or even your own messages with ease. πŸ™Œ Plus, you’ll have a clear view of the exact message your contact replied to, and they can do the same for your responses. πŸ‘€ This means smoother, more engaging chats for everyone just at your fingertip! Simply swipe the message to the right and start typing your response. 🀳
converse reply to.jpg-3602

13. πŸ‘₯ Introducing a new way to invite user into organisation πŸš€

Inviting users to Strive is now simpler than ever! Just click on the “Invite” wording, enter the user’s email, and hit “Send Invitation”! πŸš€ Your user will receive an email with a link to create their account and join your organisation. πŸ’Ό
invite user.png-3459

14. πŸ—‘οΈ Contact Activities are now deletable πŸ“…

You can now delete contact activities like contact creation, event attendance, and more with ease. It’s time to stay clutter-free and focus on what matters most! 🌟😊
contact activity able to delete.png-4935

15. πŸ€– Chatbot list of action type is listed alphabetical πŸ”€

We’ve organized the list of chatbot action types alphabetically, making it much easier for you to find the desired action type. Say goodbye to scrolling and searching, and enjoy a more streamlined experience. πŸ”Ž
chatbot alphabetical.png-6075

16. πŸ“Š Converse Analytics moved into the Converse page πŸ—‚οΈ

We’ve made it even easier for you to access Converse Analytics. Now, you can find it right on the Converse page, conveniently located at the top left of the page. Track and analyze your conversations effortlessly to gain valuable insights within the Converse Module! πŸ“ˆ
converse analytics.png-4144

17. πŸ“± WA Personal Broadcast and Campaign now able to select one by one for the media attachment πŸ“©

We’ve enhanced the media attachment feature, making it super simple for you to select and send your desired attachments. Now, you can easily choose your media attachments one by one. Just click on “Choose File,” select the first attachment, and when you’re ready to add another, simply repeat the process for the next one by clicking “Choose File” again. No need to reselect all the media attachment, it will add attachments progressively.πŸ“Ž
wa personal media attachment selection.png-8307

18. πŸ“Ž WA API Broadcast and Campaign media attachment able to send according to the file name of the attachment πŸŽ‰

Exciting news! With our latest update, the WA API media attachment now reflects the file name you choose. When you select an attachment, its name will appear exactly as you named it. This means that when your contact receives the attachment, they will see the same file name you saved it with. ✨
wa api media attachment naming.png-5657

19. πŸ’¬ Automation added action to send WA Personal Message πŸ“²

Our Automation module now includes a new action: send WA Personal messages. Simply select the desired WA Personal template, and it will be automatically sent to your contacts as part of your automated workflow. To create the template for your WA Personal message, simply head over to the WA Personal Template module. ✨
automation send wa personal message.png-4925

20. πŸ€– Chatbot able to add new tagging 🏷️

You can now easily add new tags by simply typing the tag name and clicking on “Add tag name” as shown in the example image below. . The tag will be automatically assigned to contact(s) according to your chatbot flow. πŸ”–
chatbot add tagging.png-6995

21. πŸ”„ Refresh button in the Contact Module has been made specifically for the List View only πŸ‘€

We’ve made a change to the refresh button in the Contact Module. Previously, the button was available in both List View and Table View. However, in our latest update, the refresh button is now exclusively available in the List View. Don’t worry though, you can still refresh the page in the Table View by using the refresh action located at the top left. Check out the image below for a visual reference. πŸ“‹
contact table view for the refresh.png-1059

22. πŸ“ˆ Pipeline Statistics renamed to Analytics πŸ“Š

We’ve updated the name of Pipeline β€œStatistics” to “Analytics.” Don’t worry, the functionality and insights remain the same! Stay ahead of the game with our powerful Analytics feature! πŸš€
pipeline analytics.png-9667

23. πŸ“© Reschedule Messages for Undelivered Contacts in WA Personal Campaigns ✨

When you save a WA Personal message and some contacts haven’t received it yet, our system will automatically reschedule and send the message to those remaining contacts. This ensures that all your audience gets the message as required. Keep your communication on track and reach every contact with our powerful WA Personal Campaign feature! 🌟

24. πŸ’¨ Instantly See Enrolment Count for WA Personal Campaigns πŸ“Š

Great news! Now, when you update your campaign contacts, the “Total Contact Enrolled” count will be instantly reflected. You’ll know exactly how many contacts have been successfully added to your campaign πŸ‘₯
wa personal campaign enrolment count.png-2789

25. πŸš€Strive Go refined lookπŸ“±

Check out our revamped Strive Go mobile app! We’ve given it a stylish makeover with exciting new changes. Take a peek at the image below to see the difference. Let us know what you think! πŸŽ‰

26. πŸŽ‰ Introducing the New WA Personal Campaign Look! ✨

We’ve given our WA Personal Campaign a fresh makeover with a sleek table view. This view offers more campaign details for your convenience. But wait, there’s more! Now, you can easily toggle your campaigns on or off with just a click on the status column. πŸ’¬
wa personal campaign table form.png-483

27. πŸ”’ Introducing Numbers for Contact Additional Fields! πŸ“

We’ve just introduced a new answer type – numbers! πŸŽ‰ Now you can add additional fields that require numeric format and easily enter the values for these fields.
contact field answer field added number.png-2482

28. ✏️ Edit Contact feature available in Pipeline Deal! πŸ‘₯

You can now easily edit your contact’s information directly within the pipeline deal. If a contact is linked to the deal, simply click on “Edit Contact” at the right of the deal to make quick changes.πŸ˜„
pipeline edit contact.png-3194

29. πŸ” Contact Details Now Bigger! πŸ‘€

We’ve made the contact details bigger, making it much easier for you to view and read. 🧐
contact info made bigger.png-3433

30. πŸ“… Event module currently added Event Status πŸ“

We’ve added a feature that allows you to record your contact’s status for events. Whether they’re attending, unable to make it, or any other status, you can easily keep track.
To set up the status options, simply head to the “Event Status” button. Then, to update a contact’s status, double click on their Event Status and choose the appropriate option. πŸ“
event module event status 1.png-7783
event module event status 2.png-105

31. πŸ“… Directly Edit Contact Info in Event Table! πŸ‘€

Now, when you click on “View Attendance,” you can see a list of contacts enrolled in the sub event along with their details. And guess what? You can simply double click on any detail to edit it right there. ✏️
event able to edit contact.png-661

32. πŸ€– Chatbot Gets Smarter with Contact Tagging! 🏷️

Our chatbot module now has a new action type – contact tagging. πŸŽ‰ This means your chatbot can detect your contact’s tags and trigger the selected chatbot accordingly! 😎
chatbot condition tagging.png-46

33. πŸ‘₯ Filter Contacts by Owner in Table View πŸ”Ž

You can now easily filter your contacts based on the contact owner right from the table view. Check out the image below for reference.πŸ‘‡
contact owner filter in table.png-4439

34. πŸ“Ž Chatbot Document Size Increased to 10MB! πŸš€

We’ve upgraded our chatbot to handle larger documents up to 10MB in size! πŸš€ Now you can easily attach files as long as they are smaller than 10MB.πŸ“„
chatbot document 10MB.png-3309

35. πŸ€– Chatbot Detects Your Contact’s Input! πŸ’¬

Now our chatbot not just captures the response from your customers but now you can use them in various action types. You can now use this valuable information in various other action types like text, quick replies, conditions, and more! 🧠
chatbot variable.png-239

36. πŸ” Find & Link Products in Deals Effortlessly! πŸ”—

Now, you can easily search for the specific product you want to link by typing its name. No more scrolling through long lists – just find your desired product in a jiffy! πŸš€
pipeline link product search.png-4139

37. πŸ€– Chatbot now caters for multiple keywords πŸ”€

Now in the keyword-based chatbot, you can add multiple keywords to trigger specific responses! So, if your contact replies with any of the specified keywords, the corresponding chatbot will be triggered, enhancing your interactions! πŸŽ‰
chatbot multiple keyword.png-6027

38. πŸ“± Strive Go added automated WhatsApp Access πŸ’¬

Update your Strive Go app to the latest version! Now, when you click on a contact, you’ll see the WhatsApp icon. Simply tap on it, and you’ll be directed to the link to send a message to your contact. Easy peasy! πŸ“²
strive gocontact automate wa click.jpg-823

39. πŸ“³ Strive Go added haptic experience for reply to πŸ“¬

Experience the all-new haptic feature when replying to messages! 🀩 Swipe or type a reply, and feel the delightful haptic response in Strive Go! πŸ“²

40. ✍️ Strive Go touchpoint outcome changes πŸ—“οΈ

Adding a touchpoint? πŸ“… You’ll see that the category has a default value, while the outcome doesn’t. That’s because selecting a category is necessary, but the outcome is optional, giving you flexibility! πŸ—‚οΈ
strive go touchpoint added no value for outcome.jpg-8018

41. πŸ“’ Events: Public & Private Option πŸ”’

In your event table, you’ll spot lock icons in the action column. A dark lock means the event is private, visible only to you. A lighten lock means it’s public, and everyone in your organization can see it! πŸ‘₯
event new table view.png-6304

42. πŸ“ Public or Private Forms Configuration πŸ‘€

We’ve added the public and private feature to our Form module too! A dark lock indicates a private form, exclusively for you. A lighten lock means it’s public, available to users in your organization!πŸ”
form new table view.png-5980

43. πŸ—“οΈ Improved Appointment Management πŸ—“οΈ

We’ve transformed the Appointment module into a more convenient table view, giving you a quick overview of all your appointments! Plus, we’ve added a public/private feature, so you can choose to share your appointments with your team or keep them private. 🀫
appt new table view.png-3054

44. πŸ‘€ Full Legal Name Field for Contacts ✍️

In the Contact module, we’ve included a new field called “Full Legal Name” to capture your contact’s full name. πŸ“
contact full legal name.png-2702

45. πŸ€– Integrate with ChatGPT πŸ’‘

Exciting news! Our Integration module now includes ChatGPT integration! Easily access ChatGPT for account creation or other interactions with just a few clicks. 🀝
chatGPT integration.png-5054

46. πŸ“‚ Export Contacts with Ease (And Restrictions) ⚠️

In the Contact table view, you can now select the contacts you want to export and simply click on “Export” at the top left of the table. Your selected contacts will be exported to a CSV file, making data management a breeze! πŸ’Ό
Please note, only admins or users with write permission for contacts can export them. Users with read-only access won’t be able to export contacts.. πŸ›‘οΈπŸ™…β€β™‚οΈ
contact export in table view.png-6567

47. βœ… Improved Event Attendance Tracking in Contact Activities πŸ“‹

When you mark your contact’s event attendance, you’ll now see which specific sub-event they attended in their contact activities. 🀩
attended event name.png-3749

48. πŸ‘€ Track Touchpoint Owners 😎

Wondering who added a touchpoint? Now, you can easily track it! We’ve added a new “By” field, indicating the user who added the touchpoint. πŸ‘€
contact touchpoint added by who.png-555

49. πŸ“ Autocomplete for Contact Race πŸ‘€

Editing your contact’s race just got more efficient! After saving the race once, the field will be saved for future use. So, next time you edit the race, it’ll autocomplete for you, saving time and effort. ⏱️
autocomplete race.png-6948

50. 🚫 Restrict Access Appointment & Event Links πŸ’»

Now, if they accidentally enter an incorrect link, they will be directed to an error page, ensuring they access the right information. 🚫
appt n event direct link.png-1730

51. πŸ“₯ Import Contacts with Download Template Option πŸ—ƒοΈ

Good news! When you click on the “Import Contacts” icon, you’ll find a handy “Download Template” button. This makes it super convenient and serves as a friendly reminder to use our Strive template for seamless contact importing. πŸ“₯
import contact.png-5563

52. πŸ”‡ Mute Feature in Contact Module πŸͺͺ

A handy mute feature is now available! When you click on a contact, you’ll find a speaker icon in the top-right corner. Use this feature to block Email/WA API/WA Personal Broadcast and Campaigns from being sent to the contact. They won’t appear as recipients after the message or email is sent. πŸ™Š
contact mute feature.png-2731

53. 🏷️ Export Tagging Effortlessly ✨

When you export contacts, their associated tags will be included in the CSV file. 🏷️
export tagging.png-7632

54. πŸ—“οΈ Access Contact Creation Dates in Zapier πŸ”—

Great news! You can now easily retrieve your contact’s creation date in Zapier for easy tracking and reference. πŸ—„οΈ
contact creation date in zapier.png-5939

And that’s a wrap for our July update! We hope you had a blast exploring all the fantastic features and enhancements we brought your way. As always, your feedback and support are always welcomed. Cheers to a fabulous July, and here’s to an even more fantastic August ahead! πŸŽ‰

Strive May 2024 Updates πŸš€

Dear Strivers, June is here, and so is our May 2024 monthly update. But before we dive in, let’s extend warm wishes to those...
Elvina Oh
7 min read

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