Strive June 2024 Updates 🚀

4 min read

Dear Strivers,

July is here, and it’s time to catch up on what we rolled out in our June 2024 update. Keep reading to find out about the updates that we have rolled out!


1. New Time-based Condition Option in Flowbuilder! ⏰

Now, in the Flowbuilder, there’s a new option called “Time of Day between” in the Condition node.

This allows you to set up messages to be sent out based on specific times of the day.

For instance, you can create a message to inform contacts about office hours if it’s outside the working hours, and if it’s during working hour, different message can be sent out or action that can be taken. 🕒

flowbuilder condition time between

2. Introducing New Flowbuilder Nodes! 🌟

We’ve added two new nodes to our Flowbuilder: “Send WA Personal Message” and “Send App Alert.”

With these new features, you will be able to notify yourself or your team regarding your contact’s reply with the customisable message

Send WA Personal Mesasge:

Choose the linked WA Personal device, enter the recipient’s phone number (either within or outside your organization), and type out the message you want to send. It’s that simple! 📲

flowbuilder send wa personal

Send App Alert:

Add this node to your Flowbuilder, and the selected users will receive the app notifications with the content you specified.

Note: Make sure you and your team have the Strive GO app installed to get these alerts. 🔔

flowbuidler send app alert

3. New Flowbuilder Variables and Merge Fields Option 🚀

You can now use new variables and merge fields in Flowbuilder to customize your messages! 🛠️

How to use:

Click on the tag icon at the top right of the message area to access these variables.

Note: Variables are not limited to text nodes only.

flowbuilder variable

New Variable:

1. Variable for First Message Sent by Contact:

Use the “default_message” variable to refer to the first message your contact sent, which triggers the Flowbuilder.

2. Variable for Contact’s Information:

Under merge fields, you can now select and use your contact’s information or any additional details. This allows you to personalize messages with specific contact details seamlessly.

flowbuilder added new variable

4. Reconnected WA Personal Device Remembers Auto Create Contact Status 📱

Now, when you reconnect your device in the WA Personal Setup module, the auto create contact setting will be auto configured according to the setting that you had before disconnecting.

This means you won’t need to manually configure the auto contact create feature every time you reconnect your device. 😉

wa personal setup auto contact create config

5. Enhanced Search for WA Personal Broadcasts 🔍

Now, when you search for recipients or exclude recipients in the WA Personal Broadcast, you’ll see up to 200 results from your contacts, contact lists, or tags.

This update ensures that when you’re searching for contacts, you’ll have a broader range of results to choose from, making it easier to find the contacts that you need. 🎉

wa personal audience

6. Save and Use Advanced Email Templates in Your Campaign 📧

You can now save your custom email templates created with the advanced email builder! 🎉

In the Email Campaign module, easily save your templates and select them anytime you need.

This allows you to quickly apply your preferred email design to your campaigns, saving you time and ensuring consistency in your communications.

Note: You can still customise the message content after selecting the template to tailor it to your needs.

email campaign save template + CC

7. CC Feature Added to Email Broadcasts and Campaigns 📧

You can now easily add CC (Carbon Copy) recipient for your Email Broadcast or Email Campaign messages! 🎉

Just type the email address into the CC field and select the email address to add it, then a copy of the message will be sent to the specified email address.

This allows you to send a copy of your email to additional recipients, keeping everyone informed and involved in your communications. 📨

Note: You can add multiple email addresses to the CC field if needed.

email broadcast CC

8. Avatar Display for Inbox Tickets in Pending Queue! 🎫

Now, when you check the pending queue of your Inbox, you’ll see the avatar of the user who last resolved the ticket or is currently assigned to it.

If a ticket has been previously handled, you’ll see the avatar of the user who resolved it last.

For new tickets with round robin enabled, you’ll see the avatar of the user currently assigned to it.

This makes it easier to track ticket ownership at a glance. 👀

inbox avatar of user

9. Control Your Round Robin Availability! 🔄

Now, you can control your availability for Round Robin ticket assignments by turning your Inbox online or offline.

How to set it up:

  1. Go to the Inbox module.
  2. Click on Settings.
  3. Toggle the Online/Offline to set your status.

When set to Offline, you won’t be assigned tickets through the Round Robin feature.

inbox online status

10. Inbox Round Robin now supports percentage allocation! 🔄

Now, when setting up the round robin for your Inbox tickets, you have the option to allocate tickets based on percentage.

To configure this feature:

  1. Go to the Inbox module.
  2. Click on Settings.
  3. Click on the Round Robin toggle to enable it.
  4. Click on Add Members.
  5. Select the user and specify the percentage.
  6. Click on Save Changes.

Note: Round robin helps delegate/distribute the tickets among the team members selected, reducing bias and the need for manual assignment. 🎟️

inbox rr percentage

11. Improved Task Interface! 📝

We’ve improved the Tasks interface to help you stay on top of your to-dos!

Now, when you go to Tasks, you’ll automatically see the Upcoming section, which combines the Today and Upcoming sections.

This makes it easier to view your overdue, due today, and upcoming tasks all in one place.

Stay organized and keep track of your tasks with this streamlined view! 📅✨

task enhanced

12. Pause and Resume Flowbuilder for Inbox Tickets 🚦

Now you can pause or stop your flowbuilder for any ticket directly from the inbox! Just click on “Bot is Active” at the top of the ticket to pause the flowbuilder when it’s waiting for your contact’s reply.

If you pause the bot, any messages already queued to be sent will still go out. If your contact replies after you’ve paused, the flowbuilder won’t proceed with the next steps.

To enable the flowbuilder again, simply click on “Bot is Inactive”. This will allow the flowbuilder to trigger when your contact messages in and matches the configured keyword.

Note: If you enable the bot before the wait for reply duration ends, it will continue responding to your contact as configured when they reply.

flowbuilder inbox bot stop

13. Introducing Node Renaming in Flowbuilder ✏️

Now you can customise by renaming the node for easier identification.

How to rename the node?

  1. Click on the node
  2. Click on the pencil icon located at the top right
  3. Type in the node name
  4. Click on the tick to save the changes

This feature lets you personalize node names to better reflect their purpose in your workflow, making it simpler to manage and understand. 🌟

flowbuilder renaming of node

14. Simplified Flowbuilder Connections with “Next Step” 🛠️

Now, when setting up your Flowbuilder, you can use the “Next Step” dropdown selection for easier node connections. 🎉

How it works:

Now, you can connect your Flowbuilder nodes without the hassle of dragging and dropping. Simply select the node you want as the next step, click “Save Action,” and the connection is made automatically.

If there are no other nodes available, the dropdown will be empty. In that case, you’ll need to create a new node by dragging and dropping a connection, then selecting the action.

Reminder: This feature is for connecting existing nodes, not for creating new nodes.

flowbuilder next step

15. Improved Inbox Contact Linking! 🚀

We’ve made improvements to speed up the loading of contact when searching for your contact to link to the ticket in the inbox. Now, when you click Link Contact or search for your contacts to link, the results will load much faster.

We’ve improved the process by limiting the number of contacts shown, displaying only the top 50 results by default. 👤

Note: If you’re having trouble finding a specific contact, do type in more of their name to get a more accurate search result.

16. Expanded Email Broadcast Display 📧

We’ve expanded the display to show 20 email broadcasts at a time, so you can easily access more of your past broadcasts. 🎉

Now, when you reach the bottom of the list, an additional 20 broadcasts will automatically load, allowing you to keep scrolling and viewing until all your broadcasts are shown out.

We’ve reached the end of our June 2024 update. Exciting updates are on the way, so stay tuned!

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