Vertex Mastery Achieves an Astounding Increased of 20% Show-Up Rate with Strive!


Education, Business

Use Case

Email and WhatsApp Broadcasting, Event


Vertex Mastery, a transformation event and performance coaching company, has been on a mission since its inception in 2013 under the visionary leadership of David Chua. Their primary objective? To empower SMEs, to elevate their business game by uncovering the secrets to strategic business positioning, identifying unique selling points, and crafting a rock-solid ‘white sand’ strategy. Their framework is designed to make clients the reigning category kings in their respective niches, ensuring a legacy that stands the test of time in years to come.


Since subscribing to Strive, Vertex Mastery was able to:

  • Increase show up rate by 20%
  • Reduce time spent to blast out messages to clients


Vertex Mastery faced a significant challenge in their marketing efforts. Without a reliable Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, the leads and valuable data they gathered struggled to evolve into clients, causing their marketing budget to vanish into thin air. Additionally, managing information without a CRM demanded more resources and incurred higher costs. Despite trying multiple CRM solutions in the past, Vertex Mastery found themselves constantly switching from one to another due to a lack of guidance. This transition came at a cost, both in terms of expenses and missed opportunities. Without proper guidance, Vertex Mastery struggled to unlock the full potential of their marketing expenses through CRM optimization.


Strive emerged as the beacon of clarity and support that Vertex Mastery had been seeking. With Strive’s responsive Customer Service, whenever Vertex Mastery encountered a challenge, a quick message was all it took to receive prompt assistance. But that’s not all; Strive also offered an extensive library of video walkthroughs and tutorials for every module and feature, ensuring that Vertex Mastery could navigate the platform effortlessly.


Vertex Mastery’s initial hurdle of CRM system operation was smoothly overcome with Strive’s expert guidance, making CRM navigation a breeze. Now, sending messages to specific contact lists of thousands takes just a mere 5 minutes. Vertex Mastery found it effortless to reach out to Strive for assistance whenever challenges arose, and Strive consistently delivered effective solutions. Furthermore, the utilization of Strive’s Email and WhatsApp features has been a game-changer. Vertex Mastery now schedules and sends reminders seamlessly. This proactive approach has led to a remarkable 20% increase in event attendance.

“For those who are Strive users or looking to work with Strive or haven’t been working with Strive, I would say, just go with the Strive team and treat them as your partners. They will feedback you as your partners. Don’t be fearful or scared to communicate with the Strive team because as long as you communicate with them, they will give you 1000% back in response.”

What business challenges are you dealing with? We can help.

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