Strive April 2023 Updates 🚀

6 min read

Dear Strivers,

We’re excited to announce the upcoming release of our April 2023 update, which includes several new features and improvements that we’re confident will enhance your experience. Besides that, In an effort to streamline & go deep with our services we have tentatively removed a few features within Strive namely our Relationship module and Sales Coach Builder feature in the Automation module.

Before we continue with the updates, we would like to sincerely wish “Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri” to those who celebrate and “Happy Holiday” to those who do not celebrate.


Changes to Strive


1. Strive OTG app renamed to Strive GO

2. Removed Sales Coach Builder in Automation Module

3. Removed Relationship Module


New Features


1. Support Via WhatsApp and Email

Now you may reach out to us through our Support feature in Strive. You may either drop us a message in WhatsApp when you click on WhatsApp or through Email.

2. Added Converse in Strive Go

Want to reply to your contact while you are on the go? Well, now you can do so. In our Strive Go app, we have added the Converse module. You may accept, reply and resolve the ticket similarly to our Strive website.




1. Pipeline Module and Converse Ticket Loading Speed

Have you noticed the loading speed of the Pipeline module and Converse ticket? Now the loading speed is 🏎️💨.

2. Product Conversion purchased counts shows purchase log

When you double click on the purchased count row of a specific product, you will be able to view its purchase log.
conversion purchased count.png

3. Rename from Conversion section header Products Conversion to Product Conversion and Contacts List to Contact Details

We have renamed the sections for a better understanding of what the section is about. The renaming are as shown in the image below.
conversion section renaming.png

4. Converse is able to receive more than 1 reaction and able to react

With our newly added reaction feature, now you will be able to receive more than one reaction from your contact and you will be able to react to their message. Feel free to express yourself to your contacts via reacting 😉.
converse chat react.png

5. Converse able to receive image with text attached

Your contact sent an image together with text enquiring about a product? Do not worry as now our converse will be able to receive it and that means you will be able to view it.

6. Pipeline kanban view filter more than one label and displays deals if either one label matches

In our Pipeline kanban view, you may select to filter more than one label just by selecting as many labels as needed. The deals will be filtered and shown if either one of the label matches the labels that you have selected.
pipeline label filtering.png

7. Chatbot has default name trigger

Now you may include your contact’s default name if you chose the action type to be text, quick replies or list message. Do note that the {{default_name}} field is the contact’s default WA name so do not be alarmed if it is different from the name that you have saved.
default name for chatbot.png

8. Pipeline sorting based on date added

In our Pipeline sorting feature, we have added another option which is to sort according to the date added.
pipeline sorting based on date added - ver 2.png

9. Contact Additional fields can be created by users but only Super Admin can edit and delete

Additional fields can be added by both User and Super Admin. However, only Super Admin can edit or delete the additional fields.

10. Smarter Touchpoint prompting💡

Our prompting now will be able to recognize your last touchpoint to prompt you for your next touchpoint according to the contact type. If you have added a touchpoint before the prompt date, the next prompt date will be calculated from the date when you have added the touchpoint.

11. Mobile Notification will appear when a new message comes in

If you have downloaded our Strive Go app, you will be able to receive notification whenever a new message comes in.

12. Email Campaign Statistics for audience now able to select and add into list

Not sure what you can do with the campaign statistics? Well, now you can select them to create a new contact list or add into an existing contact list.
email campaign stat 2.png

13. Added number count in Pipeline Board Table View

When you view on the Pipeline Board Table View, you will be able to view the number of deals as now we have added the deal number count.
pipeline table view number count.png

14. Converse able to view the bolded text, italic, crossed and url

Now you can view on the url link, bolded, italic and crossed text of your contact. In addition to that, you will also be able to view on the above mentioned text style in Strive when you reply to your contact.
converse bolded, hyperlink and others 2.png

15. Deleted scheduled email will not be sent out to the audience

Now when you delete a scheduled status email, the email will not be sent out to the audience.

16. Smarter Converse💡

How to know the contact send the message to which phone number? Well, you can just hover your mouse over the dark blue tag that shows your phone number registered name then you will be able to view the phone number that your contact had sent to. That is not all! You can now reply to your contact without having the need to change the phone number account. So do try it out and let us know what you think about it.

17. Converse Scrolling

Now you can easily view back on your previous conversations just by scrolling up.
converse scrolling.png

18. Converse Timer

The converse timer has been relocated above the text area. The timer now has a newer, sleeker and neater look.
converse timer.png

19. Converse Ticket sort based on latest message

When a new message comes in, the ticket will be moved to the top of the list because it is sorted based on the latest message that comes in

20. Converse Active Ticket renamed to Resolving

For a clearer understanding, we have renamed the Active Ticket to Resolving
converse active renamed to resolving.png

21. Mobile Converse and Web Converse added Sort feature

In both our Strive Go App and Strive website Converse module, we have added the feature to sort based on the newest first or oldest first.

converse sort.png

22. Mobile Converse and Web Converse added Filter feature

In both our Strive Go App and Strive website Converse module, we can filter the tickets based on the owner of the ticket.

23. Mobile Converse Active Ticket rename to Resolving

In our Strive Go App, the Active Ticket has been renamed to Resolving.
converse app active to resolving edited.jpg

24. Duplicate WA API Template

In the Actions column, we have added the duplicate feature on the right of the edit template.
wa api template duplicate.png

25. Mobile Converse shows contact details when click on contact name

If the ticket you received is from your contact, when you click on the name at the top of the converse ticket, you will be able to view the details of your contact.
converse contact details edited.jpg

26. Contact date of birth and birthday automation date/time picker

For both the contact date of birth and birthday automation, you will be able to manually type in the date/time. The format for the contact date of birth, is DD-MM while the format for birthday automation is hh:mm. If you do not want to manually type it in, you may click on the calendar icon to select the date/time.
date time type 2.jpg

27. Converse Mobile and Web able to filter unread messages

Too many messages received and difficult to track which has been answered? Now you can filter to show only the unread messages just by selecting the Unread Messages box.

converse unread edited.jpg

28. Able to create Tagging when create Contact

You can just type in the tagging that you want to create the press “Enter” or select the selection to add the tagging.Once you create the contact, the tagging will be created and added to the contact.
create tagging while create contact.png

29. Able to create Contact List when create Contact

You can just type in the contact list that you want to create the press “Enter” or select the selection to add the contact list. Once you create the contact, the contact will be added into the contact list that you have created.
create contact list while create contact.png

30. WA API Template added reject reason

If you hover your mouse over the status of the template, you will be able to view the reason of rejection that was provided by Meta.
wa api template reject tooltip.png

31. Converse able to Unresolve Ticket

Resolved an active ticket but the conversation has not ended? Worry not as now you are able to unresolve the ticket.
converse unresolve.png

32. Contact Module Changes

The name, date of birth, contact category and other details that was below the contact avatar was moved to the right of the avatar. The contact tagging is also added below the contact owner in the middle section.
contact tagging.jpg

33. Added contact tagging and Log Purchase feature in Converse Web

We have added the contact tagging below the contact owner in our Converse Module. Not just that, you can also add or create tagging to your contact when you edit your contact. Your contact decided to buy a product that has been advertised or promoted by you? There is no need to go to the product module to log the purchase as now you can log the purchase in the Converse module itself.
converse web contact detail.jpg

34. WA Personal now supports multiple images attachment

Now you may send more than one image when sending a WhatsApp broadcast or WhatsApp campaign. To select multiple images, hold the Ctrl key and select the images then click on Open.
wa personal multiple image.jpg

35. Conversion added Converse Details

In the Conversion module, we have added another section for the converse details so you will be able to track the tickets that come in, resolving or resolved during the time range. In each ticket section, you can view the contact details and what is the last message received from the contact.
conversion converse details.jpg

36. Contact Pipeline shows more deals and added stage name

When you click on the pipeline of your contact, you can now view on which board, stage and deal the contact is in. In addition to that, we also increased the area to show the deal so you will be able to view more deals in once glance.
contact pipeline.jpg

37. Mobile Contact fields rearranged

We have arranged the fields to make it neater and according to the importance of the field.
mobile contact fields reposition.jpg

38. Mobile Converse added ticket owner and delegation feature

In our Strive Go Converse, you will be able to view the ticket is owned by who both shown in the ticket and outside of the ticket. This is helpful for admin to identify who is handling which ticket. When you click on the gear icon on the right of the contact name, you will be able to delegate the ticket to another user just through our app itself.
mobile converse delegate + ticket owner.jpg

39. Mobile Converse now supports bold, italic, strikethrough and website link

In our Strive Go app, you will be able to view the messages with text style for the messages that you sent or the messages that are sent by your contact.
mobile converse mark down edited ver.jpg

We will continue to create massive value for our clients, so do look forward to the upcoming updates that we have to offer.

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