Dear Strivers,
This month has been an action-packed month!
We have lots of enhancements, several new features and several bug fixes that we have done in this month, so sit back, relax and let’s get updated!
New Features
- App Revamped
Our Strive OTG app interface has been revamped our app interface, we initially wanted it to be a light app, but due to plenty of feedback from all of you, we are taking a different direction!
The app will be as powerful as the web as we are adding each feature into the app too!
Here’s how the interface looks like !

- We Launched Our Youtube Channel!
We will be uploading loads more tutorial videos and customer success stories on our channel!
Do give us a boost by helping us to subscribe by clicking the link here ! Lots of thanks!

- Added multiple triggers into Chatbot
You can now add wait for reply, move deal, create deal, timer, add to WABiz Campaign, add to contact list, quick replies and update contact into our Chatbot. We are planning to enhance it even further, so stay tuned ๐

- Added Email Notification for Round Robin
For every round robin that is being triggered, an email will be sent out to notify the team members involved.
- Side bar menu will remain static
Upon a module is being opened, it will still remain opened till you change to different modules, to make it easier to operate

- Added loader upon triggering WhatsApp Blaster
This is to avoid triggering multiple time to avoid spamming your clients

- Naming convention updated on the WABA display
We have updated the WABA ID from Name (ID) to Name (Phone Number) for easier recognition

- Reposition of KPI Pipeline and Task Manager
We have rearranged the positioning to avoid misunderstanding when setting up your KPI boards

- Final Deal Value Confirmation Prompt
We have enhanced the UI of the confirmation prompt to make it easier on the eyes

- Adding Contact to Campaigns
We have added confirmation when you’re adding contacts into the campaign in order to avoid mistakenly adding the wrong person.

- Tagging now has a Show More Tags button
We were informed that tagging can get very overwhelming, we have since added a show more tags button

Bug Fixes
- Converse Bug Fixes
The converse now is able to read voice audio, sticker, gif, location and video.

- Notification redirection
You can now redirect to the specific deal upon clicking on the notifcation

- Login fails when account has been registered
If your account has already exist and was invited by another organisation, you are now able to login under the invited organisation
- Pipeline search
The search details will clear once you click out of the module for easier search the next round

As promised, in this month’s update, we have shared the revamped of our Strive OTG app !
In September we are diving deeper into each vertical to further enhance the user experience, so you will see more enhancements on its way!
Stay tuned for more!
Let’s Strive!