As a top sales strategist, I’m always on the lookout for effective sales methods to share with you. During this Raya Holidays, I stumbled...
Keeping prospects interested and engaged is tough. Initial outreach is just a tiny part of the process. And this is why following up with...
Did you know? According to behavioral science, the first 7 to 12 seconds on any sales interaction will dictate how the prospect will feel...
Are you hungry to make the sale that it sometimes make you sound desperate and pushy? Guess what? This is the biggest mistake most...
Imagine you walk into a room meeting a salesperson… The salesperson asks you a few questions. Use tools to diagnose your problems. Then give...
Research reveals how a single word makes hell lots of difference. The words you use for example to describe a car accident: Contacted vs...
While most people are constantly seeking for the ‘Closing Tactics’ to increase their sales, what if I told you that the secret to sales...
Hey Strivers, Are you wondering why people are not buying? After analyzing sales professionals and sales teams, I’ve realized there are 5 simple reasons...
After the 5-0 thrashing of Manchester United at Old Trafford, Liverpool wents went crazy! As a Liverpool fan myself, I must admit that I’m...
In research done, it’s reported that most entrepreneurs, business leaders, and salespeople average 6.8 hours of sleep every night – a full hour less...